This week had to be one of the worst weeks in history for the national sporting scene in a long time. With Roger Clemens making a fool of himself in front of congress, Roger Goodell meeting with Senator Arlen Spector about spy gate, Kelvin Sampson again being confronted with not just minor recruiting violations but many first degree violations that had plagued him at Okalahoma, and evidence that the greatest homerun hitter of all time did in fact test positive for steroids in 2001. These situations are bad for their respective leagues and you would think it would hurt them.
The funny thing about all of these events is that they will pass very quickly in the overall scheme of things. Once the NBA playoffs and baseball starts its season people will talk about the issues that have gone on in the sports, but they we still show up and watch the games from home. The same can be said about any scandals during any season or time, it will only be a matter of time until fans move onto the next season and another sport to forget the troubles of the others.
Just look at baseball. One of the greatest pitchers and hitters of all-time have both been proven (in my opinion) to be users of illegal enhancing drugs, but at the same time attendance for baseball is at an all-time high and looks to have steady growth in the coming years.
The NFL continues to grow and dominate the sports world besides soccer. No matter the arrests that follow many of the great players in the league - Michael Vick & Pac Man just to name a few, they will continue to sell-out at most stadiums and will draw the biggest audience in the world at the Super Bowl every year.
The thing about all of this is that the players and coaches who are caught and prosecuted and then ask for forgiveness from the public are welcomed back with open arms and treated like none of the past ever happened. I believe that anybody should be allowed a few chances to turn themselves around and show people that they can change. The hard part about this for me is that we will hold up people like Andy Pettitte, Bill Belicheck, Jason Giambi, Randy Moss, , or any other athlete that has done wrong and shouldn't be looked up to.
People will sit there and say how much they hate T.O., Rasheed Wallace, Pedro Martinez, Chad Johnson, Sean Avery, Lebron James, or any other athlete that is good against your team or you just don't like because they showboat or shoot their mouth off. Yeah maybe they go against what you think an athlete should be as a team player, but what are the laws and rules they have broken throughout their career? I bet many fans would say they hate T.O. more than Andy Pettitte or Jason Giambi who are proven cheaters and have owned up to it.
I find it amusing how fans of today will say they hate this or that player because of the way they act on or off the field while they break no laws or harm anyone. Then thy will say how much the RESPECT somebody like Pettitte or Belicheck who are cheaters. Yeah we should take it easy on these guys, but yell every insult in the world at the others who have not cheated or broken laws.
It's hard for me to take anyone serious that will backup a cheater who ask for forgiveness and crucify another athlete just because they aren't the cookie cutter shape of athlete they prefer.
The funny thing about all of these events is that they will pass very quickly in the overall scheme of things. Once the NBA playoffs and baseball starts its season people will talk about the issues that have gone on in the sports, but they we still show up and watch the games from home. The same can be said about any scandals during any season or time, it will only be a matter of time until fans move onto the next season and another sport to forget the troubles of the others.
Just look at baseball. One of the greatest pitchers and hitters of all-time have both been proven (in my opinion) to be users of illegal enhancing drugs, but at the same time attendance for baseball is at an all-time high and looks to have steady growth in the coming years.
The NFL continues to grow and dominate the sports world besides soccer. No matter the arrests that follow many of the great players in the league - Michael Vick & Pac Man just to name a few, they will continue to sell-out at most stadiums and will draw the biggest audience in the world at the Super Bowl every year.

The thing about all of this is that the players and coaches who are caught and prosecuted and then ask for forgiveness from the public are welcomed back with open arms and treated like none of the past ever happened. I believe that anybody should be allowed a few chances to turn themselves around and show people that they can change. The hard part about this for me is that we will hold up people like Andy Pettitte, Bill Belicheck, Jason Giambi, Randy Moss, , or any other athlete that has done wrong and shouldn't be looked up to.
People will sit there and say how much they hate T.O., Rasheed Wallace, Pedro Martinez, Chad Johnson, Sean Avery, Lebron James, or any other athlete that is good against your team or you just don't like because they showboat or shoot their mouth off. Yeah maybe they go against what you think an athlete should be as a team player, but what are the laws and rules they have broken throughout their career? I bet many fans would say they hate T.O. more than Andy Pettitte or Jason Giambi who are proven cheaters and have owned up to it.
I find it amusing how fans of today will say they hate this or that player because of the way they act on or off the field while they break no laws or harm anyone. Then thy will say how much the RESPECT somebody like Pettitte or Belicheck who are cheaters. Yeah we should take it easy on these guys, but yell every insult in the world at the others who have not cheated or broken laws.
It's hard for me to take anyone serious that will backup a cheater who ask for forgiveness and crucify another athlete just because they aren't the cookie cutter shape of athlete they prefer.
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